Sonny Davis

Sonny Davis 11360


Sonny Davis - was World Champion Jerk Down Steer roper. Douglas, Wyoming, behind the chutes for this shot. A lot of steers have been tripped at Douglas. Sonny was tough as nails -- if a steer got up he would flank him.

I believe this horse has some Wiescamp blood. Can't recall the dilution. He was a big pale yellow.

For dozens of years Douglas was a sleepy little Wyoming city with very few motels. When the Wyoming state fair time came people all over Douglas joined in and provided basement rooms, apartments, anything -- anyplace to sleep for fair contestants and spectators. The CEO of the fair hired me to be the official photographer of the fair and part of the deal was I got a cot in the room with three of his sons. His house was on the Fair grounds. This was in the sixties. People were a lot higher moraled then. You trusted strangers. A really bad guy might smoke, chew and drink a beer once in a while. No one expected dope-heads or terrorists conduct.




Author: Darol Dickinson