Here are the advantages offered:
- Heavy duty 1.9" od, 12 ga. tubing sides
- Perfect for ai, palpation, vaccinations and confinement
- Transports easy in a pickup, or cattle trailer
- Dip painted burgundy
- No horn spreads too wide to handle safely
- Front base 1.5" x 3" rectangular tubing
- No parallel verticals to damage legs or horns
- Three front size adjustments
- Dismantles in minutes for transport
- Attaches to a permanent corral system with 6 bolts
- Folds against a corral fence when not in use
- Versatility depends on the owners needs
- Two horizontal side openings for branding
- Weight 525 lbs. for economical shipping
$1,900.00 FOB Ohio
USA freight zones $350 to $575
Warning: The BRY Longhorn Chute is a livestock handling tool designed for many applications only limited by the skills and experience of the users. The manufacturer and or distributors do not assume any responsibility for injuries or harm to animals or people occurring during use. Handling of all livestock can be hazardous and all normal precautions should be used.
Video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vo1igj-bry-cattle-chute.html
35000 Muskrat
Barnesville, Ohio 43713
740 758-5050
Possible mounting recomendations
Patent Pending: USA, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Canada, and Brazil.
Cattle Corral Designs - Efficiency, Safety and Economy This film on CATTLE CORRAL DESIGNS - EFFICIENCY, SAFETY AND ECONOMY is an accumulation of these 54 years of learning experiences. Some great old cowmen had ideas that worked well and have been tested by the years. An idea here and a new design there -- life is a battle of eliminating what don't work. This film has 52 teaching points of data, examples, process, training, design, with graphics, dry erase action drawings and simple information for working cattle easy, economical and safe for man and beast. Humane handling is number one for all ranchers. When livestock are injured, bleed or become cripple, it is a great loss. Ranching is about economy. Any drop of blood shed is a dollar value loss. At all costs, livestock must be handled with the chief goal of no harm to any animal or person. A critter injured can drop hundreds of dollars in sale value in a flash. Filmed at Dickinson Cattle Co, Barnesville, Ohio, USA, by Kirk Dickinson, with some extra clips for unique flavor.