Bright Eyes Brother was the spark of quality blood needed to bring the Appaloosa industry to life. Cecil Dobbin was a professional horse trader and somehow acquired "Brother." When Harry Reed showed the first dozen progeny of Brother at the National Western the Appaloosa world came alive. All his life Cecil wanted Wiescamp stallions and all his life Wiescamp wanted Bright Eyes Brother. Both closely held their own genetic treasures and rolled in the $$$$.This photo is a reject as the shadow detail was too dark. Most of these photos were rejects that I did not send the owners. Brother never had a good photo taken partly because Cecil never had him stand still that long. If Brother wanted to eat while taking photos he ate. Cecil loved him like a grand parent loves a spoiled kid. When I finally got to take photos of Brother he had some age, his back was sagging. The only angle that would work was front and back, not showing the back. I never retouched photos so we had to find the angles that worked. Cecil was a dear friend.
Author: Darol Dickinson