Dip Echo
Reg.: B-7332
DOB: 3/28/2008
Color: R/W
Weight: 1950
DOB: 3/28/2008
Color: R/W
Weight: 1950
(on 5/22/2012)
Dip Echo Dip Echo calves are VERY easy fleshing, like some people I know. His poled genetics, 68 lb birth weight combined with an over 600 lb 205 weaning weight -- with no creep feed is what we like. Three sets of calves are on the ground at DCCI and now his son and daughters will carry on for him. It is an honor to provide this thick bull to the Buelingo breed with such a low birth weight. What a great bull.
Dip Stick |
Cycle Progress | Wulfs Polled Progress | Wulfs Businessman |
Miss Wolfette 9081 |
Dingular | Circular |
Dingo Trader |
Orisular | Circular | Ultimate Circle |
D.H. Socks |
Oriska | Druid Of Flying Cross |
Holstein/Black Angus |
True Echo | Papa True | Paparazzi | B-Rouge-Chi |
Princessa |
True Value | Truism |
251 |
Mankin | Ultimate Circle | Ultimate |
Roberta |
Mandan | Druid Of Flying Cross |
Holstein/Black Angus |