Bred Cow List
Click on any listing for more information.Bliss Be Cool
DOB: 4/19/2018; Sire: Top Caliber; Dam: Blissful Morn; Color: B/W spkld; Service Sire:Drop Box; One fo the prettiest black speckled cows at DCC. She will expand your genetic territory. Very few own daughters of Top Caliber this value color. Raising her 5th calf in 5 years. Iron Span heifer at side sold, not included. Service sire: Drop Box.Price: $4800
Boom Ho
DOB: 5/12/2012 Sire: Boomerang CP; Dam: Smart Mouth; Color: R/W spk; This softly cork-twist cow is a trusted producer of 11 calves. Seven of her females are in the DCC permanent herd. She has never failed to wean a fat calf annually. She will add the giddy in your herd's giddy-up. Heifer calf at side born 4-11-24 by Drop Box not included. Service sire: Line UP.Price: $4100
Sorry, already Sold. TDxOH
Boom Iron
DOB: 5/25/2015; Sire: Drag Iron; Dam: Boom Ho; Color: R/W spk; Service Sire:Ice Pick; She is dam of 5 heifers and 1 bull calf. She bands Drag iron with famous Carla Payne bull Boomerang and back to Over Kill. Remember the world's widest horned bull is out of an Over Kill daughter.Price: $5800
Chick Flick
DOB: 5/8/2022 Sire: Stop Already; Dam: Dusty Chick; Color: W/B hd;lgs; Service Sire:Silent Edge--the great son of Silent Iron (114"); This pedigree banding goes all the way back to the first DCC cow of 1967. She has pedigree, depth, and value matings. Preg checked positive to Silent Edge.Price: $3900
Sorry, already Sold. JWxTX
Clearly Nude
DOB: 5/12/2021; Sire: Macanudo; Dam: Clear Ship; Color: R/W pnl; Service Sire:Point Mark ; A beautiful sleek Macanudo typical of his family.Price: $3100
Contest Time
DOB: 4/28/2019; Sire: Time Line; Dam: Top Contest; Color: W/R ear, lg; Service Sire:Levin (over 90"); An own daughter of Time Line (over a ton and over 90") She is faithful with 4 fat calves in 4 years. Always good to add a genetic defining package to any herd. She is a real mahogany roan.Price: $5100
Cut'n Time
DOB: 5/3/2021; Sire: Cut'n Dried; Dam: Tibb Chick; Color: Red brindle; Service Sire:Point Wish; Look at her sire and dam. Is that powerful or not? Her dam is the best Tibbs daughter. She is slowly becoming a subtle brindle.Price: $4100
Cutting Light
DOB: 4/7/2019; Sire: Cut'n Dried; Dam: Firelight; Color: W/R spk; Service Sire:Tin Cup; A thick speckled daughter of Cut'n Dried. Roan to the kazoo. She is fat as Russ Freeman's 4th grade girl friend. She is for those who do not have money to waste.Price: $4900
DOB: 4/28/2015; Sire: Tibbs; Dam: Prostey Tot; Color: W/R spks; Service Sire:Levin (over 90"); A great producing Tibbs daughter who has raised 7 calves in 7 years. Tibbs daughters are appreciated for their low twissty-scoopy-droopy spreads.Price: $5100
El Hoo
DOB: 6/3/2020; Sire: Elfego; Dam: Hoo-On; Color: R/W undln; She is growing horn like Kansas loco weed. She is photogenic. Her grand dam, Iron On is twice International Champion. Had two calves in two years. Bull calf at side born 4-14-24 by Cowboy Tuff Chex, not included. She stands out like MAGA at a Walz riot. Preg checked positive to Tin Cup.Price: $5800
Friendly Mark
DOB: 4/11/2021; Sire: Point Mark; Dam: Plumb Friendly; Color: Black; Service Sire:Giver; She is black as four foot up a rock chimney. Stay true to the grand old legacy. Heifer at side by Silent Shot not included. Black is good. Parented not to riot. Young lasts longer. Service sire: Giver, futurity winner.Price: $2900
Iron Dome
DOB: 4/7/2021; Sire: Drag Iron; Dam: Top Contest; Color: R/W spk; Service Sire:Tin Cup; She is the signature Drag iron color with banding of Top Caliber for horn twist. Two heifer calves in 2 years. Circle the field and buzz the tower with this proven genetic success. AI bred female Hang Tough on 7-10-24. Natural Service to Tin Cup after.Price: $6700
Iron Respect
DOB: 4/12/2021; Sire: Drag Iron; Dam: Jest Respect; Color: R/W spk; Service Sire:Macanudo; She is a full sister to several exemplary specimens. Enjoy her pedigree that will live on longer than she will. If you like her mother, that is what her horns will develop into. AI bred to Jam Box on 7-10-24 then natural to Macanudo.Price: $4800
DOB: 3/30/2013 Sire: Juma; Dam: Shining Victory; Color: W/R spk; This Juma daughter holds a special distinction of being a 3/4 sister to Drag Iron, both sharing the same mother. This whole family excels in quality and sale value. Through the lens of time, this is professional grade. Currently raising her nineth calf. Bull calf at side by Levin, not included. AI bred to Hang Tuff, then natural service to Line UP.Price: $9,500
Sorry, already Sold. CBxTX
Naughty Trial
DOB: 5/11/2011; Sire: Trial Run; Dam: Naughty Pine; Color: R/W; Service Sire:Line Up; One of the prettiest brindle cows and has great colorful calves. A grand daughter of $120,000 Shadow Jubilee and Winchester. Coming with her 12th calf. She is dam of 10 calves plus two export embryo flushes. Her sire Trial Run was the best son of Ultimate cow Shadow Jubilee ($120,000) She has more color than a Rodney Dangerfield brothel joke. She will decorate any pasture. Visitors love her even from a great distance. She is dam of futurity champion Naughty Span. Preg checked pos to Line Up. DNA PV guaranteed, Johne's neg as with all DCC cattle.Price: $4900
Royal Jumble
DOB: 4/7/2022; Sire: Rural Safari Son; Dam: Jumbler; Color: W/R Spk; Service Sire:Nohow; An own daughter of Rural Safari Son with horns starting to early pretzel twist. She has a hip like a Siberian wash woman and also red roan specks taking over like lice in kindergarten. No disrespect intended to a faithful Siberian wash woman or to any one in Puerto Rico tossing out garbage. Service sire, Horn Showcase double horn champion No HowPrice: $2700
Silent Pick
DOB: 5/11/2022 Sire: Ice Pick; Dam: Silent Cup; Color: R/W; Service Sire:Levin (over 90"); The success and the sale values of her ancestors is unquestioned. Soon she will be heavily roan and brindle speculated wall to wall.Price: $3400
Sorry, already Sold. ccxtx
Span of Time
DOB: 6/24/2021 Sire: Iron Span; Dam: Flair Time; Color: R/W; Service Sire:Macanudo; Only age 3 and already starting to pretzel-twist. She combines the wide horn of Iron Span and the length of her dam who is a sister to Flair Galore. Look close at her day and that is a visual into what she can be.Price: $3700
Sorry, already Sold. BExMI
DOB: 4/6/2015; Sire: Top Hand; Dam: Debbie Steel; Color: R/W pnt; Service Sire:Drag Iron; She has raises 8 fat calves in 8 years. The Top Hand daughters have a pipe line of horn with mostly dark seal brown base colors. They are good property, just ask Gordon Howie. This is weapon grade genetics with plenty of ground clearance. AI to Drag Iron on 7-20-24, then natural serviced with Ice Pick.Price: $5400
Stop Fire
DOB: 6/25/2019; Sire: Non Stop; Dam: Dragon Fire; Color: R/W; Service Sire:Nohow; Her sire is well respected for being the most correct profile of the Over Kill family. Her dam ($120,000) is one of the great cows of all times. Halter trained stage #1. At just age 5 think of the horn shape with a few more years. It will be awesome.Price: $7500
Tux'n Jam
DOB: 4/11/2018; Sire: Tuxedo; Dam: Winning Jam; Color: Red Brindle; Five calves in 5 years. She is a maternal sister to Flair Galore. Her half sister, over 100" T2T sold for $120,000 named Fiddle Sticks. AI to Hang Tuff with female semen 6-23-24, then natural service to Showman. Get the great pedigrees at wholesale prices. Preg checked positive.Price: $4800
Wizard Wow
DOB: 5/8/2016; Sire: Drag Iron; Dam: Wizard Struck; Color: R/W spkld; Service Sire:Levin (over 90"); Dam of 7 calves in 7 years including Joe Sedlaches Cut'n Edge, Caselle, El Wow, Mac Wow, and Wizard Wiz. She is the classic Drag Dorn conformation with 431 red specks. All specks go with her.Price: $6100