At DCC the mating of every cow is big. Miles of data, weights, previous progeny, scores, family consistencies and every corner of "eye-ball" scrutiny is used to engineer the next generation. Granted, it doesn't always work the way it is planned. This one did -- Clear Point.
As a nursing calf he reminded us of the great sire Capone. He had a wide forehead, short compact muzzle, perfectly straight back and a pedigree to kill for. He showed more early horn than the other bulls at DCC.

After weaning his horn bases began to pop. His hip increased and muscle ripples jumped out.
In early spring things were starting to go beyond the other pasture mates.
As Clear Point started to slick off he showed lots of bone and more base.
Just before turning Clear Point with 25 heifers it all started to fall into place. The top line, trim underline, small ears, correct hooks to pins and large scrotal development.
As the breeding season labored on he started looking like a special specimen -- the muscles were popping all over, and more horn base.

As Clear Point turned 24 months a more rich color came on -- more horn. His new calves were dotting the pastures all over. They had huge hips and very feminine debutant heads.

Today, Autumn as a two year old, 29 months to be exact, Clear Point is now a 6 times World Champion competitive horn sport. Semen is available at $75. More calves are on the way and embryo flushes will soon come.