This is your sneak preview of the DCC ad soon to appear in the TL media.
The business is about bulls.
It's A Family Thing
Clear Win – Use Clear Win genetics for rate of gain, show correctness, beef mass and maybe some other valuable things. Age 5 – 85" T2T – semen $75
Over Kill – Use Over Kill genetics for proven show champions at the highest level, correct profiles, black like no other black and maybe other valuable things. 2003 to 2014 – 80" T2T and 2100 lbs – semen $50
Drag Iron – Use Drag Iron genetics for proven value, wild crazy colors, beef thickness, correct show conformation and maybe other high value things. 84" T2T – 2260 lbs, age 7 – semen $75
Great young DCC herd sires are available that combine four or more over 80" sires with championship show credentials. It is available in one package to have the largest beef qualities, correct show conformation and World Expo Horn Champions. Why go for part of the big value picture when all of it is in one single family of cattle. Check the internet for inventory available, years of data and pastures of cattle to select from.
Dickinson Cattle Co, LLC. 35000 Muskrat Rd. Barnesville, OH 43713 - 740-758-5050 - -