Great BueLingo

At DICKINSON CATTLE CO each year we carefully select just a few of the best *Buelingo bulls for herd sires. One or two will be for the herd here in Barnesville, Ohio and the rest available to help decorate other select herds. Here are two of our yearling bulls available. Others are pictured with data at

Call 740 758 5050 if you need a special bull ready to go to work. They are easy calving and gentle.
Power Stroke

Power Punch

DCC is serious about 100% performance tested Buelingo as well as our Texas Longhorn herd. At DCC every Buelingo steer is fed out and the data is not ignored. What good is data if you don't use it for genetic decisions? Darol

For semen orders call 740 758 5050. Ask for Linda #1.

*The Buelingo Beef Cattle Society is a friendly, helpful association with no interest in mergers and has never banished or expelled a member.