Watusi aficionados have watched and waited for a special bull that would add value to current genetics. Now Titan Wolf can do it. He adds all the color of Africa to a lateral horn spread (85.5") clean into the next county. It may be time to start a serious AI Watusi program.
At Dickinson Cattle Co we are so pleased with the progeny of Titan, a one time special offer of half price on his semen is offered -- just $25 per straw (USA only) for the month of May, minimum 10 straws, plus shipping. If you like these calves below, you will want Titan.

For all the data, pedigree and more progeny check out Titan at https://www.texaslonghorn.com/reference/reg.cfm?Reg=WWANP1582
Dickinson Cattle Co, Barnesville, Ohio, raising original Watusi since 1979. Order semen by calling 740 758 5050.