The 50th anniversary of purchasing Texas Longhorn cattle and starting a family ranch was celebrated Sept 30. This international endeavor began by the Dickinson family in 1967. It was a humble beginning of 6 cows and a bull hauled from Atascosa County, Texas to Calhan, Colorado. In 1993 a decision to expand the ranch included moving the whole herd, family, equipment, etc., to Barnesville, OH. Today ranchers and friends are gathering at the Appalachian foot hills ranch from 15 states, enjoying good food, some educational presentations, demonstrations and of course privately purchasing some high quality registered cattle.
The corner of Ohio #800 and Muskrat Rd
The Longhorn Store, pavilion, corrals and pastures were the setting of the 50th Anniversary.
The serving crew included 10 members of the Dickinson family plus quality employees and volunteers.
James Coffelt of Cadiz, OH spoke on Low Input Cattle Production for more profit.
A delegation from Kansas included ITLA past president Gary Bruch. The world's most gentle steer posed with guests for personal photos of every one in attendance.
Some of the world's widest horned Texas Longhorns were gathered at the Joe measuring chute for the Horn Showcase official horn measuring event. This data of today's satellite measuring event will be evaluated with other satellite measurements in the USA, Canada and Europe.
Prime rib (generous cuts) with fresh local horse radish and the fixings were enjoyed by all.
Darol Dickinson gave information to guests as the Horn Showcase measuring was carefully done with approved judge Ed Callan.
ITLA current President Mike Tomey with wife Jamie of Bedford, IN, and past president Gary Bruch and Brenda of Strong City, KS, signed up new members and played the drum for ITLA.
Dr. Keith Berkeley spoke on "How to get ready for the vet?" Facilities, chutes, plans.
Between demonstrations, lectures, and great food, the ranch buses bounced guests through Texas Longhorn, Buelingo and Watusi pastures viewing hundreds of cattle.
Cattle buyer/rancher Cliff Sanders of North Dakota wants Linda Dickinson to clarify the number of servings of "Ohio boneless fillet of swinging steak" he can have.
Ranch owners Joel, Dela, and Kirk cooked, branded, castrated, parked cars, but not all in that order.
Each year the Dickinson Cattle Co hosts a Customer Appreciation day. Today 148 people signed up at the front gate yet up to 200 attended during the afternoon. It was a pleasant Ohio Fall day with leaves slightly turning beautiful colors. By sundown the cattle purchases were loaded and off to new ranches. The buses were resting..... and some fine prime rib was left over, which is well and good.