You are invited to the Dickinson Cattle Co., Customer
Appreciation day, Sept 28, 2024.
Each year the Dickinson family invites all clients and friends to enjoy an educational "Customer Appreciation Event." Ohio Fall colors are starting to explode, the weather is perfect; if not, there is a covered pavilion. This special event is planned for those who savor fancy cattle. If you have not attended in the past, what are you waiting for? Here is the plan, which includes a free lunch for ranch guests of rib sticking delicious beef and assorted trimmings. Don’t miss out. Here are some highlights:
Be first in line to pick up the brand-new Texas Longhorn Celebrity Calendar 2025 edition.
For more info see below...
- How to deal with costly
predators. Eric Householder of Householder Livestock
Protection, LLC., will go into detail on protecting
the herd from enemies domestic and afar.
- Semen, real-cool deal on semen, one day only~~ some bulls half price~~bring your LN storage tank--or purchase a new tank at the LHTT store.
- See over 90" and 100" T2T legends ~~ including World Champion Sire Drop Box, Dragon Pearl, Line Up, Ice Pick, Iron Dancer and eight over 100" specimens.
- Bring your calves to brand. Use DCC chutes, irons and we brand for you, or you do it. Learn to brand and castrate the humane and totally bloodless way ~~live demonstrations ~~ volunteers needed. No more than 4 calves branded per owner (whole herd branding not offered) Doug Burris officiating.
- Free photos with the
gentlest, kindest DCC steer ever. Bring your camera
or we snap’em for you.
- Demo on how to AI Texas Longhorn
cattle. Actual practice passing insemination rods. Colton Courtney
- Free narrated cattle-pasture bus tours. Guaranteed no ride bumpier this side of Washington, DC.
- New crisp 2025 Texas Longhorn Celebrity calendars available.
- Peruse the LONGHORNS HEAD TO TAIL STORE. See a store full of great useful items you can’t buy at Walmart, or any government jail or tax office. Visit continuous LHTT Theater/Horn Gallery. See 75 different sale products made of horn. Special price on "Ohio boneless swinging steaks."
- See the most economical, safest squeeze chute -- the BRY. Now $1900. Haul home in your own pickup or borrow a neighbor's. (Does not transport well attached to the roof of your Mercedes)
- Demos of the Gallagher cattle scales ~~ mother-in-laws weighed free.
- Get all your Christmas gifts early. Buy the new book by Darol Dickinson, LARAPIN HORN. Select the most beautiful Longhorn hide purses -- get your wife's Christmas gift early so there are no regrets later.
- There will be a few cattle for sale that you will really like. Low priced feeder steers ready to go. Bring a big trailer. Cattle are priced so low, few, if any will remain at end of day.
- Educational presentation marketing against world political odds. Doing increased business when the whole universe is working against you, domestic, local and foreign. by Darol Dickinson
RSVP Required.
If you plan to attend and have not sent in reservations, do it now. (RSVP is french, Repondez sil vous plait, meaning "Please respond." The french always make it hard.
Invite a non-longhorn producer to come with you and mess with their head big time.
This event will consist of educational demonstrations, special speakers, and a narrated bus tour cost $20 for adults and $8 for children. If you are a DCC client, please bring your last purchase invoice for one free admittance per cattle purchase. Lunch will be provided for no additional cost.
We are making customized name tags for each person. When you RSVP, please include names of all folks attending, plus contact information including: City, State, Address, Zip, Email, and best contact phone number.
If for any reason, you can't attend after RSVP'ing, we would greatly appreciate if you notify us several days before so we can plan appropriately.
Make your motel reservations now.
Forty rooms blocked for DCC Appreciation Day up to
September 25. Take advantage of the special reduced
Dickinson Cattle Co rate of $79. (Two Queens
or 1 King) Free breakfast with real bacon and or sausage
(pork products) just 6 miles from the ranch, see map. Ask
for the Dickinson Cattle Co Cattle Buyers rate and
get the $79 rate at any time of year - regular $129.
Call reservations 740 782 1298.
This is our 57th anniversary of raising Longhorns--it's a special day and a special year.
See you Saturday, September the 28th,
DCC Family and Staff
LIABILITY: All cattle owners, guests and innocent bystanders attending the CAD waive all liability for any and all harm that may result, and agree by this notice and their participation to totally hold DCC harmless. This is the only notice you will receive.