BueLingo Herd

DCC Ranch e-News #372 - 9-12-24

by Darol Dickinson

From: Dickinson Cattle Co.  Here at DCC two unique breeds have been produced since 1967 on Texas Longhorns and Buelingo since 1988. Both breeds will stop more traffic than a Hunter Biden sighting. They aren't just the generic roadside cattle, but something original, something to be proud of, something very special.


SILVER RAZOR, age 20 months, one of the special DCC Silver Buelingos is now available in frozen semen. He is siring beautiful belts with muscle thick as a Dunkin Donut night watchman. https://www.texaslonghorn.com/reference/index.cfm?con=reno&Reg=X-16471

We have just added some bred cows, and yearlings to the DCC Buelingo sale inventory. See them https://www.texaslonghorn.com/inventory/index.cfm?BreedCode=B

Top Zone

Many of the young stock are sired by Top Zone and cows bred to him. https://www.texaslonghorn.com/reference/index.cfm?con=reno&Reg=B-9654  Call for more info. 740 758 5050

The DCC Buelingo herd is 100% performance tested since 1988. Every pedigree is planned for a specific breed improvement for 36 years. The developement of great cattle genetics takes time.

Red BueLingo Cow

Learn about Buelingo: https://www.texaslonghorn.com/buelingo_info/index.cfm

Silver Buelingo is a spin-off breed that anyone can raise. There is no breed association, no bylaws, no regulations. Just a great and pretty breed of quality cattle with abundant pazzazz.