Renaissance Cowboy

DCC Ranch e-News #388 - 1-6-2025

by Kirk Dickinson

GOVERNMENT CONFISCATION OF PRIVATE LAND is getting to be a bigger and bigger concern to land owners from the tip of Point Barrow, Alaska to the Florida Keys. The federal, state, local and all types of NGOs, want to control land and "protect" it from private land owner's commerce. The unlimited source of funds to "protect" the land is from increased taxes. Private property taxes are being seized to purchase millions of acres of private land and remove it from all profitable commerce---an American travesty.

The following two articles outline the sickening national damage this flawed boondoggle has created.

The attached Lee Pitts article in LIVESTOCK MARKET DIGEST goes a little further; goes into the history of the author of the above, his research years and experiences dealing with governments. This national livestock publication is well known for investigative journalism in respected detail.

Link to article: Renaissance_Cowboy.pdf