Flair Galore
Reg.: I-272971
DOB: 5/6/2015
Color: W/B spk
Weight: 2318
Horns: 94.25
DOB: 5/6/2015
Color: W/B spk
Weight: 2318
(on 5/9/2023)
Horns: 94.25
(on 5/30/2024)
Photo Date: 5/28/2018
Lots of Flair |
Jamakizm | Shadowizm | The Shadow |
Zither |
Jamoka | Circle K Donovan |
Miss Widespread |
Shot Of Victory | Victory Lap | Winchester |
Unattainable |
Headshot | Headliner FF248 |
Amazing Shot |
Winning Strike |
Clear Win | Win Win | Winchester |
My My My |
Bowl of Roses | Super Bowl |
Field Of Roses |
Jamaju | Jamakizm | Shadowizm |
Jamoka |
JuJu | Jet Jockey |
Kookachoo |