Rose Blade

Rose Blade - Photo Number: 1534_4.jpg
Reg.: I-00069059
Brand: 59/5
DOB: 2/26/1985
Color: R/W
Weight: 1070

(on 1/5/1995)

Horns: 50.5

(on 11/4/1996)

She is believed to be the 3rd best DCCI producer of all times. She was a many times show champion and Reserve World Champion. In her early years she consistently produced great herd improvers ever year. She is dam of Blazon, Blade of Senator, Cindy Crawford, Senators Blade, Texas Blade, Rangers Blade and Zusty Blade. Her blood is being line bred in the DCCI herds.

Sire - Bar M Don Abraham - Photo Number: don_abraham.jpg
Bar M Don Abraham
Don Quxiote WR 1882
WR 1878
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