Westward Ho

Westward Ho - Photo Number: westward_ho.jpg
Reg.: I-210702
Brand: 149/5
DOB: 3/8/1995
Color: Blk/W
Weight: 1985

(on 3/17/2005)

Horns: 61.0

(on 3/17/2005)

Semen: $15.00


He is a bold black specimen with show conformation. His black appaloosa colored progeny quickly grab the eye. His sire Jet Jockey was All Age World Champion in 1988 and his dam is a sleek Senator daughter. Westward Ho was exported to Australia and several valuable progeny represent him down under. His calves are easy to appreciate. Use him for black, show conformation and good flat horn. His progeny won at every level in the TLBAA system when owned by Bob Moore.

Sire - Jet Jockey - Photo Number: jet.jpg
Jet Jockey
Bail Jumper Cowcatcher
Texas Toro 60
Calico Gal
Rangers Measles
Texas Ranger JP
Measles 2849
Better Yet Impressive
Don Quintana
Rangers Measles
Miss Dayton #3
Conestoga Senator Overwhelmer
Doherty 698
Classic Reflection
Alma II
Cuerno Largo Texas Champ
Champ #858
Diane Ii
Wright Bow & Arrow 1995
Samson Ii
Bow & Arrow 1405


Buffalo Gal - Queensland, Australia
Buffalo Gal - Queensland, Australia
Owner: Michael Bethel, Horseshoe B Longhorns
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