
Untuned - Photo Number: t_1987.jpg
Reg.: I-219763
Brand: 34/7
DOB: 5/31/1997
Color: W/R
Weight: 1230

(on 6/23/2006)

Horns: 64.0

(on 11/7/2006)

She is a half sister to Queen of Kings, both out of Melody. She weighs 1230 lbs. and is the largest daughter of Unlimited at DCCI. The Senator mating is a chance to go back to the great foundation families. Unlimited is the top Butler sire in history justly famous for both bulls and cows. He is not a one gender quality sire like many of his relation.

Sire - Unlimited - Photo Number: unlimited.jpg
No Double Classic
Milby 1/2
Miss Liberty 49*
Superior's Droopy Superior
Blue Horns
Droop Horns*
Miss Droopy
Lone Ranger 72
Droop Horns*
Melody Bar M Don Abraham 3/0 Don Quixote
WR 1882
WR 1878
Damn High
Ma Kettle
Mohagony Amigo Ranger
Texas Ranger JP
Sombrero Sarah
Manchadita Ranger
Texas Ranger JP

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