
Unattainable - Photo Number: w_3339.jpg
Reg.: I-220113
Brand: 27/7
DOB: 3/31/1997
Color: Red
Weight: 1298

(on 5/29/2008)

Horns: 61.88

(on 11/11/2010)

Sire - Unlimited - Photo Number: unlimited.jpg
No Double Classic
Milby 1/2
Miss Liberty 49*
Superior's Droopy Superior
Blue Horns
Droop Horns*
Miss Droopy
Lone Ranger 72
Droop Horns*
Ranch Lady - Photo Number: ranch_lady.jpg
Ranch Lady
Ranger's Ranch Hand Texas Ranger JP
Doherty 698 Senor Mulege
Wright #489


Bios For Unattainable

Unattainable - This light walnut colored daughter of Unlimited is out of the old Ranch Lady cork screw horned cow. She raised 13 calves in 13 years including herd sires Steadfast, Yosemite, Light A Shuck, Undeniable, Wince, Set Apart and the grand sire of Drag Iron, Victory Lap. She is still producing for Kevin Bryant at age 18. Some cows are just good and stay good. Some consistently produce better than themselves, some don't.

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