Reg.: I-228456
Brand: 462/9
DOB: 4/24/1999
Color: R/W spk
Weight: 1580
Brand: 462/9
DOB: 4/24/1999
Color: R/W spk
Weight: 1580
(on 6/16/2001)
Horns: 56.5(on 3/9/2002)
PALADIN - His show record includes 1st in the International Championship Show Youth Division, plus Grand Champion Sr. Bull & All Age Grand Champion Bull. He is the Zhivago type to perfection. A wonderful future is predicted for Paladin.
Gizmo |
Zhivago | King | Royal Mounty |
Miss Texas Ranger 262 |
Safari B 496 | Don Quintana |
Safari B 119 |
Blazon | Jet Jockey | Bail Jumper |
Better Yet |
Rose Blade | Bar M Don Abraham 3/0 |
Rangers Rose |
Sena Coeta |
Senator | Overwhelmer | Cowcatcher |
Doherty 698 |
Classic Reflection | Classic |
Alma II |
Coeta | Bail Jumper | Cowcatcher |
Rangers Measles |
Ll & C Choya | Don Quixote |
Bandera |