Super Fast

Super Fast - Photo Number: Super-Fast.jpg
Reg.: I-240569
Brand: 294/3
DOB: 4/4/2003
Color: W/R pnt
Weight: 1890

(on 6/20/2008)

Horns: 78.0

(on 3/5/2008)

Super Fast is a son of Super Bowl, out of Not So Fast, by Not Gunna and out of a Senator daughter. He offers a proven dimension in genetics for color, size, correctness and highly respectable horn. Although a large portion of his right horn has been broken, reliable sources calculate his tip to tip at 78" for a reconstructed measurement. This bull combines the correctness of Not Gunna, the flash and horn of Super Bowl and the thickness of Senator. He is a blend of excellent ancestry.

Sire - Super Bowl - Photo Number: p_2367_d.jpg
Super Bowl
Superman Overwhelmer
Doherty 698
She's A Super Lady
Measles Super Ranger
Texas Arby
Bouncer Blend Bouncer
Copy Cat
Show Girl Ii
Kingly Blend
Crusty Blend
Not_So Fast - Photo Number: p_2758.jpg
Not_So Fast
Not_Gunna Gunner
Texas Star
Superior Symbol
Not Dot
Jet Jockey
Not Enough Ranger
Sentimental Senator
Classic Reflection
Senor Spear
Senor YO 792
YO Kettles Spear 936


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