Shining Victory

Shining Victory - Photo Number: z_7176.jpg
Reg.: I-241609
Brand: 8/4
DOB: 7/18/2004
Color: Brn/W
Weight: 1225

(on 6/5/2012)

Horns: 67.38

(on 11/7/2014)

Sire - Victory Lap - Photo Number: v_2071.jpg
Victory Lap
Winchester Gizmo
Sadie Sam
Not Gunna
Unattainable Unlimited
No Double
Superior's Droopy
Ranch Lady
Ranger's Ranch Hand
Doherty 698
Shining Through Adrenalin Headliner FF248
Archer 92
Texana Possum Spot
King's Lynn JWT
The Shining The Shadow
Good Friday
Just It
Just Cause
Rangerette 821


Bios For Shining Victory

Shining Victory - This tri-color speckled cow is the dam of 8 calves in 8 years. Only one has ever left DCCI of the 5 speckled heifers and 2 colorful sons. She is pregnant to Rodeo Max and may have as many as 8 calves in 2014, mostly sired by Jamakizm. She has the special Winchester ability to consistently produce "over her head." Oh, and she has one over a ton son who is also over 80." You can see her only at DCCI -- she will be staying home, doing what she does best and loved by the DCCI family.

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