Legends Bug

Legends Bug - Photo Number: r_4566.jpg
Reg.: I-244172
Brand: 741
DOB: 5/15/1997
Color: Li Red
Weight: 1164

(on 11/15/2007)

Horns: 55.5

(on 11/10/2008)

She was selected for her excellent frame and bountiful early foundation breeding. She is tall, long framed and abundant depth of body. She has returned to the DCCI breeding herd so the embryos available are the only mating selections.

Sire - Tri-W 698's Legend - Photo Number: tri_w_698_legend.jpg
Tri-W 698's Legend
Tri-W Slide Rule Cowcatcher
Texas Toro 60
Calico Gal
Ranger's Measles
Texas Ranger JP
Measles 2849
Doherty 698 Senor Mulege
WR 2308
WR 2269
Wright #489
Larry 107
Jaque 24
Tri-W Texas June Bug Texas Ranger JP Two Tone
Brazos Belle 182ND
Kyzer 2 Mister Wagg, Jr.
Senora Yates #55

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