Jiffy News
Reg.: I-269449
Brand: 53/4
DOB: 6/18/2014
Color: W/R hd&lgs
Weight: 700
Brand: 53/4
DOB: 6/18/2014
Color: W/R hd&lgs
Weight: 700
(on 11/16/2015)
Horns: 40.75(on 11/16/2015)
News Break |
News Flash | Juma | Jamakizm |
JuJu |
Field of Pearls | Fielder |
Pearl |
Triple Crown | Win Win | Winchester |
My My My |
Sweepstake | Tempter |
Lottery Marker |
Jiffy Jangler |
Jubal Jangler | Over Kill | Over Head |
Field of Pearls |
Shadow Jubilee | The Shadow |
Kentucky Blue(GMR) |
Viola' | Victory Lap | Winchester |
Unattainable |
Pompous | Over Head |
Saraphim |